WTA Wuhan Open Stadium

Basic information:

  • Seats Capacity: 2200 seats
  • Seating system: Temporary Grandstand with first row elevated
  • Completed in: June 2014.

The temporary grandstand is the best choice for the sports competitions held in existed stadium. Apart from more problems such as the large amount facilities and after use solutions for large stadiums, WTA Wuhan Open use the temporary scaffolding system that can be move away immediately after the competitions.

As for the demand of the seats capacity, the total 2200 seats have been separated into four parts. Each set is equipped with 4 rows portable bleacher and allows better sight for volleyball competitions. First row elevated design provide more space for advertising sponsors.

Mountain Bleacher believe that each stadium have its own requirement for the grandstand and even stadium seating design, we believe our design team will get a best solution for you.

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